Your scholarship application is being submitted. This page will refresh and you will receive a verification email when complete.

Robertson County Scholarship Foundation

2025 Application Information

Use this website to submit a scholarship application to the Robertson County Scholarship Foundation. Please review all following information before continuing as applications must be submitted in their entirety during a single session.

No data is saved until the application is submitted.

Scholarships are only awarded to residents of Robertson County, Tennessee.

All fields marked 'Required' must have a value in order to submit your application.

It is recommended you print a copy of the application to collect information before completing it online. You can print this PDF to gather your information prior to completing the online form.

To complete an application, you will need:

  • A valid email address that does not end in ""
  • Contact information:
    • Home phone (if available)
    • Address (home and mailing)
  • Extracurricular activities and community involvement
  • Demonstration of financial need
  • Supporting documents:
    • Recent headshot of applicant
    • Signed parent/guardian tax return 1040 or 1040A pages 1 and 2.
      Please view this IRS PDF for reference.
  • 2 references and an email for each. One must be a teacher.
  • An essay explaining why a scholarship matters to you on this file. You will need to download the file, type and save your essay on it, then upload it in the "Supporting Documents" section of this form.
  • A copy of your transcript and ACT/SAT scores. Your transcript will automatically be requested from your school counselor upon completion of this form.

Some scholarships are available that require additional information. It would be beneficial to submit the associated information if you meet any of the following requirements:

  • If you are a Greenbrier High School student entreprenuer pursuing a trade or vocation:
    • An essay using the instructions in this file. You will need to download the file, type and save your essay on it, then upload it in the "Additional Scholarship Opportunities" section of this form.
    • 2 letters of recommendation, one from a teacher and one from either a coach, employer, community leader or pastor.
  • If you are a Greenbrier High School student pursuing business or construction management:
    • An essay using the instructions in this file. You will need to download the file, type and save your essay on it, then upload it in the "Additional Scholarship Opportunities" section of this form.
    • 2 letters of recommendation, one from a teacher and one from either a coach, employer, community leader or pastor.
    • Brief description of yourself and your life plans, goals or dreams.
  • If you are a student pursuing a degree in education:
    • An essay using the instructions in this file. You will need to download the file, type and save your essay on it, then upload it in the "Additional Scholarship Opportunities" section of this form.

I have read the application information.

You must acknowledge that you have read the application information before continuing.

General Information

Leave blank if you have not taken the ACT or SAT.

Contact Information

Email addresses will only be used to notify you of application and reference sumbissions. Mailing addresses are used to officially notify awardees of their award amount.

An email address may not be used on multiple applications.

Check this box if you receive mail somewhere other than where you live.

Extracurricular Activities

Use the "Add Activity" button to insert rows for additional activities. Use the "Remove Activity" button to remove extra rows.



Use the "Add Award" button to insert rows for additional awards. Use the "Remove Award" button to remove extra rows.


Use the "Add Activity" button to insert rows for additional awards. Use the "Remove Activity" button to remove extra rows.


Financial Needs

Use the "Add Dependent" button to insert rows for additional activities. Use the "Remove Activity" button to remove extra rows.

Dependent Name, Age

Examples include: illness of parent, unexpected financial loss, unusually high cost of education such as medical school...

Include any volunteer work.


Please provide a teacher and a non-teacher reference. You will be notified when a reference has completed their form.

Supporting Documents

Great examples include yearbook photos and casual or formal senior photos.

Only files in the .JPG or .JPEG formats will be accepted.

Only files in the .JPG, .JPEG, or .PDF formats will be accepted.

Only files in the .JPG, .JPEG, or .PDF formats will be accepted.

Only files in the .PDF format will be accepted.

Additional Scholarship Opportunities

These opportunities have requirements beyond the rest of the application such as additional references and/or essays.

Some options will automatically display based on which school you attend. The Stephanie D. Mason Aspiring Educator Memorial Scholarship will show only by selecting that you plan to major in education.

I plan to major in education.

This oppotunity is for students pursuing a degree in education.

Only files in the .PDF format will be accepted.